Baby Dedication Prayers

Prayers are an integral part of all baby dedication services. The pastor will most likely pray with the family before the service starts. The ceremony itself usually includes a prayer that links the pastor and baby’s family as well as the baby and congregation. Because dedication is about tying a child to God’s holy example and charging both the church community and the baby’s family with the responsibility of providing a spiritually sound support network, it is no surprise that prayer is a central moment of the service.

Here is the beginning of a common baby dedication prayer. The celebrant invokes the attention of the family as well as the congregation.

Celebrant: The blessing of Christ
Comes to you in this child.
God’s blessing is mercy
and kindness and joy.
Blessing comes to home and to family.

Welcome (name of child)
Child of love.
God is here to bless you.
And blessed are you,
Beyond telling,
To be born to parents
who love you
and love each other.

Grow gently, (name of child),
In love of God.
We bless you,
And pray
Christ be near you,
Now and each hour
Of your life

All: God be with you
In this your day,
Every day and every way,
With you and for you
In this your day,
And the love
and affection
Of heaven
be toward you.

Common Prayer has published the full piece as well as an alternative prayer for your service.