Choosing Pastor Appreciation Day Gifts

Choosing Pastor Appreciation Day Gifts Choosing appropriate pastor appreciation gifts to celebrate Pastor Appreciation Day may be the most important thing you do during the month of October. If you are planning to give a gift to a member of your church clergy, you have to make sure you choose the right pastor presents.

How to Choose Appropriate Pastor Appreciation Gifts?

  • If would be awkward and embarrassing if you chose a gift not appropriate for the occasion. First, you should know pastors and clergy men are simple people. They do not want to be given extravagant or materialistic gifts. Choose something that is appropriate for their position.
  • It is essential to know about the interests or hobbies of your pastor. While recognition and appreciation are the important parts of the equation, you want to make sure that your minister enjoys the Pastor Appreciation Day gift he or she is receiving.
  • Consider useful and practical pastor presents that will come in handy year round.
  • Make your gifts as personalized as possible. Everyone loves personalized gifts; the gesture is heartwarming and touches people’s lives. It makes the gifts last forever.
  • Your pastor will appreciate your thoughtfulness when you prepare appropriate appreciation gifts for the pastor’s wife.
  • Pastors and their spouses will be touched if you also remember their children. A Pastor Appreciation Day gift to the pastor’s kids shows the pastor and his wife that you really understand the needs of their family.

Appropriate Pastor Gifts Ideas for Pastor Appreciation Day

Now you can't miss right and thoughtful pastor gifts ideas if you prepare them according to my tips.

1. Spiritual Pastor Gifts:

Write Pastor Appreciation Poems

A pastor is an integral part of a church community. He is primarily in charge of the spiritual growth of church members. Choosing the right spiritual gifts to continue their spiritual growth will encourage the minister to continue developing the members’ spiritual knowledge.

Books like the Bible are a good choice. Give the pastor a Bible from a different translation. It would be touching to write a pastor appreciation poem for members of the clergy, or to collect many kinds of pastor appreciation quotes or wordings to highlight your Pastor Appreciation Day cards/letter.

2. Gifts for Hobbyists

  • Golfers - Your pastor may have big plans to hit the links as soon as his family or friends celebrate Pastor Appreciation Month with him. Surprise your pastor with a golfer’s gift package, complete with tees, balls and a nifty golfer’s bag.
  • Wine and Gourmet Connoisseurs – Your Pastor may be quite the foodie; perhaps he knows a great full-bodied wine when he sees one. When looking for the right appreciation gift for your pastor who is a wine and gourmet food enthusiast, choose carefully, wines of the October month are popular gifts for pastors.
  • Gifts for Fishermen- The great thing about fishing are that it is such a multi-dimensional activity. It takes place on bodies of water that are of total peace and serenity but also full of vitality and life. It is not difficult to shop for a gift for a pastor who enjoys freshwater or saltwater fishing. As a fisherman, he would love to get a bait bucket/cooler/seat, soft tackle box, folding fishing chair, cast net, cooler and more.
  • Gifts ideas for book reader- Gifts ideas for book readers are versatile. You can try a personal book lamp or bookshelves for your pastor that won’t only be good for reading but also help decorate pastor’s home or office. Lap desks make great gifts for the reader who likes to read while sitting other places than a desk.

3. Personalized Pastor Gifts

A personalized gift can highlight the occasion in several important ways. Your pastor can’t overlook your homemade Pastor Appreciation Day cards, homemade throw blankets or personalized Clergy Appreciation Day decorations.

There are many different types of personalized pastor gifts available this season, the most popular being the engraved item. For example, you can customize an engravable cross.


The cross necklace has a simple and bold design with a masculine feel. You can engrave your pastor appreciation message on the back. This is a beautiful Pastor Appreciation Month gift idea.


Almost anything can be personalized, including picture frames, a desk clock, wine glasses, tankards, key rings, trinket boxes, pens, door knockers and more.


Customizing a crystal pastor tribute is also popular and appropriate. Crystal is the symbol of purity, innocence and clarity; what better way to show the faith and devotion of you pastor than by choosing a crystal item?

Pastor Appreciation Tribute

But how do you personalize crystal pastor appreciation awards/plaques? A variety of online trophy stores can offer the customize service, like which offers the DIY (Design It Youself) that allows you to design your own type of pastor appreciation tribute. DIY makes it easy for you to customize the award, just the way you like it, with an online personalization wizard of

4. Pastor's Wife Gifts and Pastor's Kids Gifts

5. Thoughtful Pastor Gifts Ideas:

  • Determine an appropriate level of involvement for your church.
  • Team up with your local Christian bookstore or radio station to recognize and honor your pastoral families through activities within your community.
  • A pastor appreciation event could include a special welcome with slides, selected, favorite songs, and a few testimonies by the children of your congregation.
  • Hold a people-pleasing pizza party. Plan an informal time of sharing and caring around lots and lots of pizza and pop. If your pastoral families love pizza, give them certificates to a local pizza parlor to last throughout the year.
  • Plan a special banquet in honor of your pastors.
  • Urge the Sunday school classes and other children’s groups to make creative appreciation messages for the staff using construction paper and bright colors.
  • Plant a tree or some shrubs in honor of your pastoral staff.
  • Improve your pastor’s working environment by upgrading or expanding his office or study, adding bookcases and file cabinets, or replacing out-of-date office equipment and furniture.
  • Create a pastors’ hall fame in your church with photos and memorabilia of your present and past ministers.

Read more: Celebration Ideas for Pastor Appreciation Day