Christian Poems to Honor Pastor's Wife

Inspirational christian poems may be perfect way to appreciate and honor our great pastor's wife.

Why Honor Pastor's Wife?

pastor’s wife is often in the shadow of the man who fills the pulpit every Sunday. Most of the time, she is pleased that God has called her husband to this place of selfless service, but there are days when she wishes for a more “normal” life.

The pastor’s wife is certainly a rare species with a very peculiar calling. She is one flesh with the pastor. She will keep her husband’s long hours, shoulder his pressures, feel his disappointments, and suffer his defeats, of course she will always be proud of her role – pastor’s wife, our appreciation let she feels courage and motivation, our gratitude let she becomes more strong and brave. Therefore, pastor’s wife needs our appreciation.

These poetries honor our great women for the contribution they give to their husband and their special pastor's family.

Angels Among Us

By Geraldine Henein

The hands that give to those in need
The heart that loves in faith and deed
The voice that speaks the truth decrees
These are angels among us.

The common cause to help all those
Whether they be friends or foes
The compassion for all so lovingly grows
These are angels among us.

The forgetting of self to the service to others
The knowledge we are all sisters and brothers
The extra mile is the distance they cover
Theses are angels among us.

The Christ-like spirit to demonstrate
The limitless love from God so great
The disciple who walks so humble and straight
These are angels among us.

I Asked the Lord to Bless You

Author Unknown

I asked the Lord to bless you
As I prayed for you today
to guide you and protect you
as you go along the way...

His love is always with you
His promises are true
and when we give him all of our cares
you know He will see us through

So when the road you are traveling on
seems difficult at best
just remember I am here praying
and God will do the rest.

I Said A Prayer For You Today

Author Unknown

I said a prayer for you today and know God must have heard.
I felt the answer in my heart although He spoke no word.
I didn't ask for wealth or fame, I knew you wouldn't mind.
I asked Him to send treasurers of a far more lasting kind.
I asked that He'd be near you at the start of each new day.
To grant you health and blessings and friends to share your way.
I asked for happiness for you in all things great and small.
But it was for His loving care I prayed the most of all.

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