Father's Day Gift for Pastor Who is New Father

Choose a appropriate Father's Day gift for your pastor who is a new father is interesting but important. Being a new father is one of the best experiences in your pastor's life, but it can also be a challenging step. How to help your pastor become a happy new father with the help of thoughtful Father's Day Gift Ideas?

Help Pastor (New Father) Deal with Depression

A new baby in the house is a transition for everyone. Like mothers, new fathers may deal with depression after the birth of a child. Your pastor, the first-time fathers in particular may find themselves feeling uncertain about their role as a parent and their ability to provide for their new child.

To help pastor (new father) deal with depression is important and meaningful.

  • Offer to watch the child in order to give him time to work through his depression.
  • Help him find opportunities to participate in activities outside the house.
  • Listen to his concerns and frustrations. Your pastor may not readily to the role of new father. He feels overwhelmed with new responsibilities after the birth of his child. Spending time with the new father, chatting with him, and share your experience if you are a father.
  • Help him find mental health services.
  • Offer your help as you can. It is hard sometimes as you pastor to show that he needs help. Preparing for a baby and being a new Dad is a great time to take people up on their offer to help.
  • Give good suggestion for new schedule of your pastor.

Father's Day Gifts for Pastor - New Father

Giving a new dad a special baby theme gift is a great way to make your pastor feel special and help him succeed in fatherhood.

Baby Jogging

Baby jogging strollers are meant to bring a high level of comfort to pastor's child. Now speaking of baby jogging strollers these are exclusively meant to give safe ride to your baby while parent is jogging or walking.

Crystal Plaque

Crystal Book Plaque

Engraved crystal plaques are the popular gift choice for any occasion. Why not surprise him with holding the new baby? Choose a crystal plaque with the image of new baby and engraved beautiful poem:

I came into the world,

And reached for your strong hands.

My tiny fingers knew you,

Before I could understand.

The beautiful poem continues to share the thoughts of growing up with daddy's strong hands surrounding the new child with every milestone that is passed in life. You can also ask Diy Awards engraved other quotes and wording depend on pastor's interest and desire. You can design the crystal plaque with the shape of a Bible, pray the health and sound growth of pastor's kids.


We may laugh at seeing tough pastor reduced to crying for help when it comes to new babies, but if your pastor has not been around babies before, they are likely to not have a clue when it comes to taking care of the baby. Now your pastor needs a book to help them.

Daddy's Diaper Changing Apron

No one really likes to change diapers, but it is a regular part of life when an infant is brought home. One of the most popular gag gifts for new dads is the Daddy's Diaper Changing Apron.


A camera is an excellent Father's Day gift for new dad, so you can pick up a new digital camera or video camera at the electronics store. Your pastor would like take pictures of his new baby and feature the pictures in a special family scrapbook.

New Photo Album

Your pastor and pastor's wife may need a new photo album for a picture is worth a thousand words. Your pastor family can take pictures of a multitude of special dad and baby moments and feature the pictures in a special family photo album.