Gifts Ideas for Pastor's 7-9-Years-Old Girl

Pastor's Wife and Pastor's GirlPonder her point of view: Does she like to read? Play sports? Dress up? Tinker on the computer? Have you ever known more about your pastor little girl if you want to choose the appropriate pastor's kids gifts.

Sweet and sensitive, intelligent and inquisitive, excitable and energetic--these are qualities of 7-9-year-old girls.

You're looking for a gift that celebrates her 7-9-year-old spirit, something that goes beyond the standard doll or stuffed animal. Opt for a pastor's kids gift that inspires her creativity, gets her moving and active or makes her feel a little pampered.

  • For 7-year-old Girl

Buying toys for seven year old girls can be fun or frustrating depending on a number of factors. You may have seen the commercial on television for these. It's a Pillow.

It's a Pet, It's a Pillow Pet! These are adorable and cute stuffed animals that also function as pillows. This year, there are a lot of great new designs, including a Lady Bug one that 7 year old girls like.

  • For 8-year-old Girl

Eight year old girls are moving away, at this age, from dolls and becoming more interested in their appearance.

That means they will be interested in make-up and all the accessories that go with it, lip gloss, nail varnish, etc. They would be interested in clothes as well, especially fashionable ones, as they become more self aware at this age.

  • For 9-year-old Girl

If your 9-year-old children are interested in sports, either as spectators or are actively involved, they will want to wear the right outfit for that sport, which can be quite expensive.

But, there are usually cheaper alternatives available either on-line or at your local store, where there are often discounts to be had. Nine-year-old girls fall into a special age group, outgrowing the more childish gifts like dolls, yet still young enough to enjoy children's toys and games.