Ministry Thank You Notes

They don’t rhyme, they’re not set to music, but a simple thank you note is a beautiful way to show ministry appreciation. Even though email is the quickest way to communicate these days, really taking the time to put pen to paper is the way to go when a thank you note is at stake. This exercise can be enjoyed by the whole family. Adults can write a note from scratch, younger children can draw pictures, and older children can create a fun acrostic with some words of thanks at the bottom. Here’s an example:

Patient teacher

Awesome leader

Spiritual guide

True believer

Oratorical genius

Rock and pillar

Thanks for everything you do, Pastor Denton! Happy Pastor Appreciation Week!

A standard note, or a manila envelope full from the whole family is a great way to express ministry appreciation, but don’t forget about your pastor’s wife. A note to her for her sacrifices and patience means a lot.

If you don’t understand what it is like to be a pastor’s wife, read this thoughtful post from the blog Grace Covers Me. Pastor’s wife Christine shares a little of her own story and asks others for their pastor’s wife experiences in the comments below. Here’s an excerpt from her post:

“All I know is what it's like to be a pastor's wife. I know what it is to have a husband who serves on staff of an established church, and I also know what it is like when that husband says he wants to plant a church. These roles are similar and also quite different, but, in the end, his ministry jobs both have made me a pastor's wife.

So I can't tell you what it's like to be a doctor's wife or a businessman's wife or a farmer's wife, but I can tell you what it's like to be a pastor's wife.”

Read the full piece and comments here.