Pastor Appreciation Gifts, Have You Ever Sent?

October is Pastor Appreciation Month, also called Clergy Appreciation Month. During Pastor Appreciation Month, congregations host special activities and events to show thanks, affirmation and gratitude to their pastors.

Some congregations celebrate by giving the pastor a nice gift on behalf of the entire church, while others write personalized notes and give individual gifts to express their sincere appreciation.

So what should you do if you want to celebrate Pastor Appreciation Month? First, you should follow these steps:

Write your pastor a personal note. A thoughtful card with a personal note can help encourage your pastor and to show your appreciation to your pastor for faithful service.

By teaching your children the valuable lesson of showing appreciation for leadership, you’re providing a cornerstone on which they can build their life.

Giving your pastor Pastor Appreciation Gifts for Pastor Appreciation Day helps demonstrate this lesson, but what will drive the message home is having your children create their own gifts to give.

Kids’ gifts will be greatly appreciated and treasured by your minister; there’s something about the innocence and purity of children that has the power to refresh and inspire the soul.

Treat a pastor with respect. A pastor puts in long hours to serve his or her congregation with minimal financial reward for her time. Respect a pastor for being the professional that he or she is, and treat that person as respectfully as you would treat any other professional in any other profession.