Pastor Appreciation Month

How to let your ministers know they are genuinely appreciated? October is Pastor Appreciation Month, it is a great chance for the congregation to pause and let pastor know that they are valued and appreciated.

Pastor Appreciation Month is more than an event on the calendar. The focus of this positive, faith based website, is to challenge churches to honor and encourage pastors through the year.

Why We Celebrate the Pastor Appreciation Month?

Clergy Appreciation Month provides an opportunity to take action and keep your pastor from becoming the one who has called on an "endangered species". You know our pastors are ordinary human beings, with limited energy, time, and strength. They have down days and dry times in their faith walk, just as you and I do. Discouragement can come when a pastor faces unrealistic expectations or verbal discouragement from the very people he is serving.

Every church wants to be known as a loving church. A loving church openly shows the community a love for their shepherd. When pastors are appreciated and encouraged, the quality of churches. Strong churches will make an impact within their community. So we need annul Pastor Appreciation Month to show our appreciation and love.

We Appreciate Our Ministers

Pastor Appreciation Month provides an opportunity to take action to show our appreciation and support for our pastor. It would be a great encouragement for the pastors while they receive your appreciation tributes. Be creative in expressing pastor appreciation. Let these collected pastor appreciation ideas release your creativity in honoring your pastor.

  1. A pastor appreciation event could include a special welcome your clergy with slides, selected pastor appreciation poems, favorite songs, and a few testimonies by the children of your congregation.
  2. Choosing Pastor Appreciation Gifts
  3. Plan a special banquet in honor of your pastors.
  4. Plan a tree or some shrubs in honour of your pastoral staff.
  5. Create a pastors’ hall fame in your church with photos and memorabilia of your present and past ministers.
  6. Improve your pastor’s working environment by upgrading or expanding his office or study, adding bookcases and file cabinets, or replacing out-of-date office equipment and furniture.
  7. Be aware of the unique needs of the pastor’s children, providing financial help for church children’s camp or church teen camps as well as youth group retreats.
  8. Surprise you pastor and spouse with a cruise or vacation package to special destination you’ve heard them talk about.
  9. Invite them to a dinner or party with your family and friends.
  10. Send the Pastor Appreciation Day gifts basket includes thoughtful gifts of pastor’s kids and pastor’s wife.
  11. Bless your pastor’s family all year round with a simple greeting card expressing these sentiments in your own words.
  12. Taking pastor’s children out with your kids and leave enough time for pastor and his wife. A pastor’s wife needs time alone with her husband.