Pastor Appreciation Poems

A poem is a fantastic way to honor our pastors who serve. A pastor appreciation poem can say, “I appreciate you” in a way that a handshake or gift isn’t able to. Writing or collecting pastor poems is a positive and meaningful exercise. Show your appreciation to your pastor with the beautiful words of others, or create one of your very own.

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Sample Pastor Appreciation Poem Ideas

Thank You

This pastor poem says, "Thank you," for the gentle way our pastors walk with us through good times and bad.

Pastor, I want to thank you
for all your great advice,
for all your beautiful sermons,
and keeping Faith in my life.

Even a short poem of appreciation shows your recognition of everything your pastor does for you. Whether you choose to send your pastor a long message or a shorter one, showing gratitude is key to creating positive relationships.


star-priest-appreciation-plaqueChoose a bright appreciation poem that you like and is suitable for your pastor's interests. Engrave this poem on your pastor appreciation gift, i.e. a personalized crystal plaque. Diy Awards can engrave your favorite appreciation quotes on crystal gifts, and will adjust the layout according to your design requirements. There are a number of crystal award styles you can choose from, such as the Crystal Star Award Series for a pastor who shines with distinction. The Crystal Shining Star Award in particular is a great way to honor your pastor's outstanding performance. [Click here to read more]


My Pastor Appreciation........

This pastor appreciation poem was written by a young girl. She used her warm and beautiful words show her gratitude and love for pastor.

My-Pastor-AppreciationIt hardly seems six year ago,
That God loaned you to this church
Though Satan tried to thwart God's plan
To confuse and leave us in a lurch
You came in here,
Listened and watched
Exactly as a new good shepherd should do
You prayed, you stayed
No matter what, the devil had to say to you
We know the hours you're spent on your knees
Casting all else aside
Praying earnestly for just one more soul
To the alter His love has you tied
God gave you wisdom
and Lots strength
My how we've seen you grow,
lifting some of us up there with you
Those who aren't too stubborn to let go


You’re Always There for Me

A pastor plays the role of a rescuer in our life.
This pastor poem exemplifies the idea of a pastor as a savior:

Youre-Always-There-for-Me-1When the world comes crashing in
And chaos rules my mind,
I turn my heart to you, Lord,
And pure, sweet peace I find.
You lift me out of trouble
You comfort me in pain;
You nourish, heal and cleanse me,
Like cool, refreshing rain.
In times of joy and bliss,
When things are going right,
You lift me even higher,
And fill me with delight.
You listen to my prayers;
You hear my every plea;
I’m safe because I know
You’re always there for me.

By Joanna Fuchs


To Do List from God

Do you know why your pastor knows so much? Why your pastor can help you no matter what difficulties you have struggled? This poem tells the story of the pastor's journey to wisdom.

You ran your life in search of worldly things;
Your time and will were firmly in control.
You thought you had no need for what God brings;
You gave no heed to murmurs from your soul.
"You’re planning, doing all the time," it said,
"But something else is missing deep inside.
Your mind is whirling, but your heart is dead,
So turn to God and let go of your pride."
You did, and God said, "Here’s My plan for you:
Give your life to Me, and just let go.
Have faith and pray, and read the Bible through,
And you’ll have blessings more than you can know."
So simple, yet it brings you perfect peace,
Living life for God the way you should.
Direction, purpose, fullness and release—
Life with God is very, very good.

By Joanna Fuchs


A Message from God

A pastor is a great person who is near to our God. Sometimes only he can hear God's message.

Sometimes God says, Slow down,
I want you to be still and listen.
Can’t you see you’re going too fast?
Know that I am here to take care of you.
Now and then our body needs rest,
Endless running can wear us down,
So rest a while and let healing work,
Slow down and let God speak.

By Judy Crowe


I Said a Prayer For You Today

This pastor poem will let your pastor know that you pray for him daily. That in itself is perhaps the best pastor appreciation of all!

I said a prayer for you today and know God must have heard.
I felt the answer in my heart although He spoke no word.
I didn't ask for wealth or fame, I knew you wouldn't mind.
I asked Him to send treasurers of a far more lasting kind.
I asked that He'd be near you at the start of each new day.
To grant you health and blessings and friends to share your way.
I asked for happiness for you in all things great and small.
But it was for His loving care I prayed the most of all.

By Author Unknown


God is Always There

God is always there, no matter what happens in your life... Your pastor carries God's message and helps you to understand His will.

Our Heavenly Father is always there
He knows our sadness and despair
And if we would just call on Him
He will always hear our prayer.
When in our life those struggles come
And we tend to feel so alone
Our Fathers watching from above
With compassion and such love
He knows our every weakness
He sees us when we fail
And yet His perfect love for us
He continues to unveil
He loves to see our child like faith
As we kneel beside our beds
And share our hurts and broken dreams
Before we lay down our heads
So when you are discouraged
And you think that none cares
Just give it all to God above
Because He's always there.


The Very Best Pastor Appreciation

This poem was written for Pastor Appreciation Day. Who knows your pastor better than the Good Shepherd?

This poem, Pastor, is just for you,
We want to give our best,
But wait 'til heaven, wait 'til heaven,
The place of happy rest.
Today it's time to decorate
To thank you is our duty,
But wait 'til heaven, where you'll see,
Most brilliant stunning beauty.
Today we're here to say our thanks,
With voices loud and fervent,
But wait 'til heaven, when you hear,
Well done, good faithful servant.
Today we're pleased to honor you,
Recite some poetry with charm.|
But wait 'til heaven when you feel,
God's gentle loving arm.
Today we'll even try to sing,
A hymn, a song, a melody,
But wait 'til heaven, you'll float away,
When angels sing in harmony,
Today we'd like to hug and kiss you,
Give you big embraces,
But wait 'til heaven when God showers,
The biggest of His graces.
Today we celebrate with food and drink,
A feast for you, our Pastor,
But wait till heaven when you join,
The banquet of the Master.
Today we bring a gift or two,
The best we can afford,
But wait 'til heaven to receive,
An infinite reward.
Today we take a little break,
You work with zeal and zest.
But wait 'til Heaven to enjoy,
Forever Peace and rest.
Today is passing, we're growing old,
This life grows wearisome,
Let's all remember time will end,
The best is yet to come.
Today it's best we stop and pray,
Our prayers to God we send,
That He a special place reserve,
A place for you, dear Friend.

by Paul Berchtold, August 2010