Pastor Appreciation Songs

Singing a pastor appreciation song, writing an appreciation poem, reading scriptures of dedication and including a time of Pastor Appreciation tribute for your pastor that includes representatives of your denomination, your community, your church leadership, and others in the congregation is a great way to celebrate. This would also be a wonderful opportunity to call those in attendance to a renewed commitment to the church mission and vision.

Singing a pastor appreciation song never fails to entertain. A special occasion is the perfect arena for a motivating and exciting. It will be very memorable for all those lucky enough to be on hand to experience the fun!


You are Lord of the Heavens and Lord of my life

Lord of the land and the sea

You were Lord of Creation before there was time

And Lord of all Lords You will be

We bow down and we worship You, Lord

We bow down and we worship You, Lord

We bow down and we worship You, Lord

Lord of all Lords You will be

You are King of the Heavens and King of my life

King of the land and the sea

You were King of Creation before there was time

And King of all Kings You will be

We bow down and we crown You the King

We bow down and we crown You the King

We bow down and we crown You the King

King of all Kings You will be.