Pastor Appreciation Week

Pastor Appreciation Week is also called Clergy Appreciation Week. It is the second week in October and begins on Pastor Appreciation Day, which is celebrated on the second Sunday in October.

October 5 - 11, 2020 is Pastor Appreciation Week

Pastor Appreciation Week is the perfect time to commit to praying for and encouraging our ministers on a regular basis. Clergy Appreciation Week aims to promote brotherhood and religious understanding among all people, regardless of religious persuasion.

Some people may question why we should have a Pastor Appreciation Week. It's simple; Your sincere appreciation and love will encourage members of clergy while they serve God under all conditions.

Celebration Ideas of Pastor Appreciation Week

What exactly does "Pastor Appreciation Week" mean to you? Does it mean that this week we clap our pastor, minister, or members of clergy on the back and say "Thanks for the great job you do"? What are different ways to celebrate Pastor Appreciation Week to show gratitude for your pastor?


  • Team up with your local Christian bookstore or radio station to recognize and honor your pastoral families through community wide activities.
  • A pastor appreciation event could include a special welcome your clergy with slides, selected pastor appreciation poems, favorite songs, and a few testimonies by the children of your congregation.
  • Plan a special banquet in honor of your pastors.
  • Urge the Sunday school and other children’s groups to put together appreciation messages for the staff using construction paper and bright colors.
  • Improve your pastor’s working environment by upgrading or expanding his office or study, adding bookcases and file cabinets, or replacing out-of-date office equipment and furniture.

We Appreciate Our Pastor

Genuine appreciation is much more than just scheduling pastor appreciation day activities. Choosing appropriate pastor appreciation gifts is another important way to express pastor appreciation and encouragement for your pastor.

1. Express Pastor Appreciation through Special Wording of Encouragement for Pastor

Your personalized pastor appreciation gifts ideas with warm appreciation messages will no doubt highlight Pastor Appreciation Week 2014.

There are many types of thank you pastor tributes available this holiday season includes engraved crystal pastor appreciation plaques, appreciation letters/cards with inspirational appreciation quotes, books, engravable cross and more.

2. Explore Appreciation of your Pastor’s Family to Encourage Pastor Appreciation Gift Giving

  • Be aware of the unique needs of the pastor’s children, which include providing financial help for children’s church or teen camps as well as youth group retreats.
  • Surprise your pastor and spouse with a cruise or vacation package to special destination you’ve heard them talk about.
  • Send the Pastor Appreciation Week gifts basket includes thoughtful gifts for your pastor’s kids and your pastor’s wife.
  • Bless your pastor’s family all year round with a simple greeting card expressing these sentiments in your own words.

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