Pastor Gifts

Choosing meaningful pastor gifts is a tangible way that we can show appreciation and love for our pastor and his family.

Pastor Gifts Tips

If you are planning to give a gift to a member of your church clergy, you have to make sure that you choose an appropriate gift. Here are some important tips to consider before you decide to buy anything as a pastor tribute.

  • Pastors and clergymen are simple people.  They do not want to be given extravagant or materialistic gifts.
  • How emotionally attached is your congregation to your pastor? The deeper the relationship … the more elaborate your pastoral tribute should be.
  • Prepare pastor gifts according to pastor’s interests, tastes or hobbies.
  • Do something to help your pastor lighten his load. Pastors are under a lot of pressure.

Pastor Gifts Ideas

There are many different types of pastor gifts available, perfect for Pastor Appreciation Day, but we don’t have to wait until that time to show our appreciation and love. Here are some gift ideas for pastors that you or your church at large could give. Consider these helpful tips:

  • Choosing the right spiritual gifts to continue your pastor’s spiritual growth will encourage the minister to continue developing Congregationalists’ spiritual knowledge.
  • Surprise your pastor with a golfer’s gifts package, complete with tees, balls and a nifty golfer’s bag if he is interested in that sport.
  • Wines of the month are popular gifts for any pastor who is a wine and gourmet food enthusiast. October is a great month for wine-lovers!
  • Customize a crystal plaque with an engraved message or quotes of appreciation. Your pastor can put it in his office or at home.
  • Write an appreciation poem as a personalized tribute for your pastor.
  • Sing a song or create a DVD for a minister present.
  • Don’t forgot to prepare gifts for the pastor’s wife and pastor’s kids.
  • Send an appreciation letter to your priest or pastor.
  • Plan a special banquet in honor of your pastors.
  • Plant a tree or some shrubs in honor of your pastoral staff.
  • Improve your pastor’s working environment by upgrading or expanding his office or study, adding bookcases and file cabinets, or replacing out-of-date office equipment and furniture.
  • Create a pastors’ hall fame in your church with photos and memorabilia of your present and past ministers.

Why are Pastor Appreciation Gifts Necessary?

Pastor appreciation gifts are an excellent and simple way to say, “Thank you” to your pastor. Pastors are ordinary human beings, with limited energy, time, and strength. They have down days and challenges to their faith, just as we all do.

  • 90% of pastors work more than 46 hours a week
  • 80% believe that pastoral ministry affects their families negatively
  • 40% report a serious conflict with a parishioner at least once a month

God tell us that the elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, and he asks us to honor those leaders who work so hard for all of us.

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