Pastor's Recommendation, Top 5 Gifts Ideas for Vacation Bible School Teachers

Pastor always want to show their special appreciation and recognition for Vacation Bible School teacher. You know the job of Sunday school and Bible school teacher is important and selfless. They and our pastor are the honesty adherents of God.

They teacher the next generation about God's love for them and how to love God in return, offering children spiritual guidance and a chance to deepen their understanding of the Bible stories.

There are plenty of appreciation gift ideas if you'd like to provide your Vacation Bible School teacher with something a bit more material as a way to say thank you, but this article share these 5 meaningful gifts of our pastor recommendation with you and let us know more the characteristics of Sunday School teacher.

1. Crystal Book Resembling the Shape of A Bible

Ideas for Pastor’s Kids Gifts & Personalized Gifts for Girl

Bible theme gift idea is forever for pastor, Vacation Bible School teacher or others who are related with church. But the common Bible book is boring; you can customize a crystal book resembling the shape of a Bible. Look at the picture; this is good pastor anniversary tribute for my pastor Mr. Green. He loves this crystal Bible very much for its exquisite engraving technique and thoughtful layout, his friend customized it in Diy Awards. You can ask them to design any style and layout of crystal plaques and awards what you want.

2. Bookmark with Bible Verse

For those Sunday school teachers who are avid readers, or they should spend enough time reading, whether they read only the Bible or read various works, novels or a wide variety of books, a beautiful bookmark with a Bible verse, cross or biblical design is useful and appreciated.

3. Thank You Letter from God

Write a thank you letter in the name of God, show appreciation and recognition for all the Vacation Bible School Teachers. Write the following verse on a sheet of circular adhesive tags: And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. - Matthew 28:20. The teacher will have the sense of encouragement and happiness from the recognition and appreciation of "God".

4. Bible Knowledge Training

The best Sunday school teachers are those who read the Bible on a regular, daily basis, who study the Bible on their own and in classes with other Christians and who base life choices on Biblical principles. Sometimes they need the training or study chance which related with Bible knowledge. Hence you can help them look for good training organization and lesson.

5. Sunday School Charms

Create a unique charm with engraved wording "Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven." The Bible says in Matthew 18:3.