Pastor Poems

Pastor Poems

Great pastors are hard to come by. Once you find one, you don’t want to let him go. A great pastor should be shown gratitude and honored for the service he provides. Consider showing your pastor appreciation with a poem.

it-is-more-blessedA great way to formulate a poem for your pastor is to start with your favorite scripture verse. Pastor poems can say, “I appreciate you” in a way that a handshake or gift can't fully capture. Think of these poems as a way to give your pastor a “literary hug.”

Choose from one of our sample pastor appreciation poems or write your own poem for your pastor, priest, preacher, reverend, minister, or clergyman. To write your own poem, begin by choosing a title, and move forward from there. Have the title, poem and sentiments engraved onto a shimmering crystal plaque for a beautifully timeless gift for your pastor to display and keep.

When combining the beauty of a crystal pastor appreciation award/plaque with your special appreciation message, you create a personalized Pastor Appreciation Day gift that will be treasured by the recipient long after a Pastor Appreciation ceremony.

For more on crystal plaques check out They offer free engraving of your chosen poem and all personalized messages on any of their crystal awards.

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  2. Pastor anniversary poems
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Pastor, Who Are You

What do you think a pastor is? Have you ever wondered about this? This poem, written in a pastor's voice, explains what a pastor truly is in the eyes of God.

People ask who I am
They wonder where I'm coming from
My claim is always just the same
A keeper of the flame
People wonder "Who is he?"
Where did he get his degree?
Does he have a P.H.D.?
No, I learned at Calvary
I'm nothing more or nothing less
Made with God's ingredients
He started out with only dust
But in the end, He gathers much
The world has trust in those renown
In fame and fortune they are proud
Yet God looks past the outer-man
By His grace, I'm what I am


pastor-anniversary-tributeMy friend, pastor Steve showed me a personalized crystal book with this engraved poem - Thanks, Pastor. I think this is the perfect tribute for priests. The plaque has praying hands on the left symbolizing the pastor's devotion and commitment to the people he shepherds. There is ample space to express your personal appreciation on the right side of the gift plaque, such as engraved this appreciation poem. Thank you pastor poems are a good way to show that you care and to show appreciation for all that they do.

Thanks, Pastor

You study and prepare and daily pray
That your sheep will heed what you say.
You deliver the messages God gives to you.
To listen and obey is your wish for all to do.
From morning until night, day after day
You care for your flock in a most loving way.
You visit those who are shut-in or sad.
You may be the only visitor they have had.
Each ministry within the church you oversee,
Encouraging each to fulfill their ministry.
You guard the flock from wolves that would tear
And divide. You seek relationships to repair
If one of your flock should begin to stray
You challenge him or her without delay.
You encourage them in you to confide
Using the Scriptures to counsel and guide.
Thanks, pastor, for all that you do.
We really do love and appreciate you.

Shirley Davis
June, 2010

 A Pastor's Heart

This pastor poem is cleverly constructed to describe a pastor, the word "pastor" is used as an acronym to describe his heart.

A pastor’s heart is Protective
and guards his flock from Satan’s snares.
A pastor’s heart is Attentive
and seeks to know his people’s cares.
A pastor’s heart is Sacrificial
and for his sheep will give its all.
A pastor’s heart is Tender
and listens to the Spirit’s call.
A pastor’s heart is Obedient
and heeds the Master’s commands.
A pastor’s heart is Reflective
and considers he is but a man.

Deanna Malawy
Okawville, Illinois, USA

 Proud to call you my Pastor

Pastors have a very difficult calling in life. Use this little poem told that
A man who teaches the word of God,
the word of truth that gives the people power...
the power of love....the love of God!
A man who not only hugs the sheep, but
touches the heart of his flock.
The sheep know his voice and are blessed by his presence.
A man who teaches the medicinal benefits of laughter, and the financial benefits of giving.
A man whose singing brings light into dark places,
and pierces the heart into conviction.
A man whose smile actually means " I love you",
A man whose eyes say " I'm praying for you"
A man whose lessons from the pulpit make you jump up and say I can take on the world, bring it on!
A man who everyone has heard of, most people know, who many people want, but we have him! because he chose to stay our shepherd...
A man I appreciate and love, and who I am proud to call "My Pastor"!

by Cynthia Ogletree

Atlanta, Georgia USA

These two original poems, were written by a pastor for pastors. They are a reminder that we all need help and we're all human, including the best of pastors.

Pastors pray with us about our needs. Pastors counsel us through our life's challenges and fears. Pastors consistently deliver sermons to uplift our souls. Pastors visit us when we are in the hospital. Why do they do so? Because they seek to point us towards God, because they walk with God.

Walk with God

Pastor, there's too much to do.
Don't try.
Let me tell you a story when you want to
You cry.
Adam took a walk with God,
every afternoon,
Then fell from grace
All too soon.
Later, a little boy took baby steps,
Grew up to walk a lot.
He told stories, brought Good News
That people sought.
His last walk he carried
a heavy cross.
He fell. He continued on
To save the lost.
He died. He rose.
He walked again.
To show the way and
Be a friend.
Pastor walk with Jesus.
And, when you fall,
Let Him lift you, carry your burden,
Carry it all.
Tell us, show us, to walk and die with Him
To rise, to live.
It's the best thing you could
Possibly give.
Dear Pastor, walk with God!
God walks with you.
Dear God,
For walking with our Pastor,
Thank You.

by Paul Berchtold, August 2010

How should we express our appreciation and love to our pastor? What's the best time to appreciate him? Don't just wait to celebrate Pastor Appreciation DayFather's DayThanksgiving, and Christmas. Celebrations should also be held for a pastor's birthdayanniversaries and retirement. These are all special days for our selfless pastors.

Dear Pastor on this Special Day

by Paul Berchtold, August 2010

Dear Pastor on this special day,
I pray your faith is firm, unbending.
Walk with God in every way,
Receive His blessings without ending.
Dear Pastor on this special day,
I pray your hope is always strong.
Cling to God come what may,
Receive His comfort all year long.
Dear Pastor on this special day,
I pray your love is ever growing.
Share your God, His Word relay,
So our souls for Him keep glowing.
Dear Pastor on this special day,
I thank you that you've done your part.
You help the Lord, you are His ray,
You bring His sunshine to my heart.
Dear Pastor on this special day,
God bless and ever keep you,
That every day you may be blessed,
And all your loved ones too.