Summer Vacation for Pastor's Kids

Summer vacation, it's every child's anticipation and every parents dreaded nightmare, if you are a pastor, you probably get pretty stressed out over summer vacation. School's out, and now you have to deal with trying to find someone reliable to look after pastor's children while you and your wife work.

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School is a terrific way to ensure pastor's kid is watched after. Vacation bible school is more than just a sitting service. The school gets pastor's children learn about the Bible, as well as re-instilling simple morals and values in them and know more about their father - pastor.

Summer Camp for Pastor's Kids

Another great thing that is always fun for the kids is summer camp. Kids get excited as it is something the thing kids eagerly wait for, they desperately look forward to it as they get off from all school work, hectic schedule of exams and school routine and get lots of free time to do things of their own interest and choice. So summer camp is perfect choice for its different and meaningful activities.

  1. Painting and Coloring
  2. Reading and Writing
  3. Calligraphy and Sketching
  4. Art Activities For Kids

Teacher will guides kids write their own appreciation poems then encourage them to design the layout of the crystal plaque. This is interesting. [Click here to see how to make the engraved crystal plaque]

Local Library

This is simplest ways to keep pastor's kids busy during summer vacation is to take them to the local library. Quite often they have free reading programs which will allow children to earn prizes for books they read.

Summer Volunteer Jobs

If pastor's kid is old enough--a summer paid job! A health and proactive way to keep pastor's kids busy during summer vacation is to help them find the perfect volunteer job.