Thank You Notes Appreciating Pastor

“Thank you, Pastor!” these are welcome words to all of us. A thank you communicates value and appreciation. Sending a thank you note to your pastor is always a lovely gesture.   While it is sometime expected, it is always appreciated.

I’m sure that when you were a child, your parents encouraged (or forced) you to write thank you notes for birthday and Christmas presents. As an adult, you should still make a point of writing a thank you note to express gratitude in a number of situations.

Dear Pastor,

Thanks for your friendship and compassion when I first visited Souls Harbor about eight years ago. The most important thing I am thankful for is that God has placed a shepherd and his wife in my family’s life. Through the years I’ve seen the dedication and love you have for people. I stand behind you both and want to do my part to carry the load. Words could never express what you mean to my family.

God bless,

Jason Smith

Dear Pastor,

We truly appreciate all the times you have stood by us; when we had deaths in our family or tough situations concerning our children. We have not forgotten when we first got to the church, all the time you invested in us, inviting us over, praying with us, spending time with us. We will always remember the time, money and work you invested in us during our house fire. You will always hold a special place in our heart. Thank you for your spiritual guidance and good advice.


Joshua Farris and family


You are just one man with only one life to live, but because of God’s love you’ve chosen to open your huge heart and live that life as our shepherd; as both a servant and a leader. Your sacrifices and hard labor are not in vain. You’ve helped us to be better people. We deeply appreciate all that you have done for us.


Mike Arnold

Dear Pastor Loraubbe,

This letter is meant to convey our sincere thanks and blessing to you and your wife during Thanksgiving. You are much more than a Pastor and Pastor’s wife; you are my family and my dearest friends! I love this family with everything within me, I would follow you both wherever you go and I count myself extremely blessed to have been placed at the Harbor under these beautiful people! I pray to God that I can be half the child of God that you are! I have never met such a selfless family in all my life, I honestly don’t know where I would be today bad it not been you and the church.


Donald Mayer

Dear Pastor,

As I have said behind the pulpit, I will tell you once again, you are the best pastor in the world. I have the utmost respect for you and your wife. You are always there when we need you. You have really helped me in my walk with God and in my ministry. I appreciate you very much and love you also.

