The Role of Godparents

If you are asked to serve in the role of Godparent, that is a significant spiritual honor. The Godparent serves as a sponsor at church dedications and baptisms. In earlier history, Godparents served as legal guardians; but today their role is more directed toward spiritual guidance and support. This Wikipedia entry explores the role of the Godparent in different branches of the Protestant and Catholic Church.

Faithful words for the Godparent

If you are going to be involved in a dedication ceremony, you’ll have a difficult time finding scripture directly related to Godparents. The spiritual role is more modern than the bible, so if you want to pull scripture, focus on something related to guidance or prayerfulness.

Here’s an example of faithful words for the God parents to read during a ceremony on pen in a congratulatory card.

You’ve been a special blessing
Since the day that you arrived,
Bringing so much happiness
filling our hearts with pride…
So now that it’s Dedication Day,
With family and friends there
”I promise that I’ll give you my best
to keep you sheltered in my care.”

For more examples, click here. Another great option is writing your own speech about a relationship with one of your Godparents and how you hope to pay that connection forward.