Why Celebrate the Pastor Appreciation Day?

What's pastor appreciation day? And when is pastor appreciation day? First, you should know our pastor is always play vital role in our life. Our pastors work so hard for us, have been given the responsibility of urging and guiding us along in our obedience. Overwhelm then with appreciation and love.

What's Pastor Appreciation Day?

October is Clergy Appreciation Month and National Clergy Appreciation Day is the second Sunday of October each year. It is perfect time to commit to praying for and encouraging our ministers on a regular basis.

It has been said, our pastors are on the front lines in the effort to defend our faith and our families. Pastors have been there for all of us in times of crisis and in times of suffering. We own these pastors a debt of gratitude that we'll never be able to pay.

When is Pastor Appreciation Day 2011?

Pastor Appreciation Day is always the second Sunday in October. And Pastor Appreciation Day 2011 is on Oct.9. National Clergy Appreciation Day is the second Sunday of October each year. But you'd better check the church calendar and set the date so that is does not conflict with other events.

You should make his an annual event if you want to show your appreciation for your pastors.

Why Celebrate the Pastor Appreciation Day?

Pastor/Saff Appreciation Day provides an excellent opportunity for your church to affirm her love and appreciation for those who are called by God and your church to lead them in fulfilling the Great Commission.

Celebrate the Pastor Appreciation Day to recognize pastor's work. Pastors are ordinary human beings, with limited energy, time, and strength. They have down days and dry times in their faith walk, just as you and I do.

Discouragement can come when a pastor faces unrealistic expectations or verbal discouragement from the very people he is serving. But our pastors will have happy feeling while we show our recognition and understanding for them.

Celebrate the Pastor Appreciation Day to appreciate pastor's contribution.

Many pastors often have wives and children that also need their time, attention, and love as well. They also need time for rest & recreation, work at home, but they always spend their limited time on their work to help us live happy life.

We can't have right way to show our gratitude till celebrate the Pastor Appreciation Day. It will be great encouragement for pastor if you use your thoughtful pastor appreciation day gifts to show appreciation.

These pastor appreciation wordings like pastor appreciation poems, quotes on your thank you pastor gifts will be the highlight of pastor's house or office desk.

Celebrate the Pastor Appreciation Day to show our love and concern for pastor's family.

Pastor's Family

A pastor's family must have a shared philosophy of ministry. A very important part of this objective is the Christian family with its biblical structure, responsibilities and relationships. The church's pastor and his family have the opportunity of modeling what God intends in this ministry.

But as pastor's family, it is difficult unit than others. Pastor's wife and pastor's kids are always play special role in pastor's life. They have to give up something that we think easy and common.

Our pastor's wife can't enjoys every wedding anniversary with romantic wedding anniversary gifts from her husband for he is working; our pastor's kids aren't waiting for the annual Birthday with the smile wishes and blessings of their father and more.

So Pastor Appreciation Day is not only shows our love and appreciation for clergy, but also good time to express our respect and support for pastor's family.