Wording Ideas for Pastor Appreciation Day

The lyricism of poetry is an appropriately elegant way to convey gratitude to a pastor, children’s ministry leader or even an enthusiastic church greater. There are many poems that have already been written that can be cleverly included on a card, homemade sign or banner, or even captured in inscription on a special gift.

The blog Hope CRC has published Christian poems to celebrate many occasions. Here’s an excerpt from “God’s Footprints” by Lisa J. Brown. It was written in honor of the contributions of a pastor and the full version can be read online.

He walks in the footprints of God
His shoes are greatly worn
From the time he was a child
Heaven knew a pastor had been born

A new church to be founded
Empty pews to be filled
Lost souls to be saved
A humble man to do his will

He walks in the footprints of God
Choosing the straight and narrow
He cares not for his own glory
He is content in the Master's shadow

If you want the ministry appreciation poem you choose to be more personal, you are encourage to write your own. Don’t worry about composing perfect rhyming couplets; blank verse poetry written from the heart is just as effective. To get started, follow this simple formula:pastor-appreciation-s1

  • Choose an early memory you share with your pastor
  • Explain what it meant to you
  • Describe the nature of your current relationship
  • Thank your pastor for his or her selfless giving
  • Wish them well for the road ahead

Here’s an example of what your non-rhyming poetry could look like if you follow that template:

When I first joined the church, unsure of my faith, unsure of everything,
Your patient guidance and gentle encouragement helped me discover God and truly know Him.
Your wisdom and perspective brought me closer to our heavenly Father,
And for that, I’ll always be thoroughly humbled and eternally grateful.
Now as I stand tall, a member of the church not just in name, but in deed,
I often look back on those early days of doubt and your rock-solid support.
Thank you for everything you’ve shared with me and the spiritual world you opened to me.
As we celebrate ministry appreciation as a church family,
I wish you nothing but the best as you continue to walk with God.